EDGE Encores

EDGE Encores brings the four most popular EDGE Technology Conference breakout sessions to the digital space! If you missed EDGE this year – or even if you just want to rewatch your favorite session – this is your opportunity to be part of the conversation.  

EDGE Encores features four sessions. Each session is presented by a credit union or technology industry professional and will feature information on: 

  • Using technology to meet and exceed member expectations 
  • Increasing your members’ financial wellbeing  
  • The importance of volume in data when making data-driven decisions 
  • The role of fintech partnerships to create stronger member relationship
Watch individual webinars below.

One Bite at a Time: Transforming Through Incremental Improvements

COMPLETED – Watch On-Demand 

When you’re No. 1 in the state and No. 2 in the country, expectations are high. State Employees Credit Union’s Rammesh Rajagopal knows that all too well. In this presentation, Rammesh, SECU’s Head of Application Development and Support, will describe how the 2.7-million-member credit union took an incremental approach to meeting the high expectations of multiple member personas. He’ll share battle stories of confronting the technical challenge of updating their older systems, the unique needs of multi-generational talent and the competitive threat of embedded banking disruptors. Rather than give into the overwhelm of a complete people, process and technology overhaul, the credit union found “one bite at a time” strategies for transforming the experiences of diverse personas and maintaining the trust of members along the way. 


Rammesh Rajagopal

Rammesh Rajagopal
SECU (State Employee's Credit Union)

Accelerating Financial Well-Being with the Member Financial Health Metric

COMPLETED – Watch On-Demand 

Credit Unions play an essential role in their members’ financial well-being. This session, led by Jen D’Amico from CommonWealth Central Credit Union and Greg Leslie from Trellance, will explore strategies for taking an even more proactive role in solidifying members’ financial health. It all starts with an understanding of a groundbreaking new metric, the Member Financial Health Metric (MFHM). Greg will discuss how the MFHM is calculated, sharing strategies for defining key indicators and establishing benchmarks. Attendees will discover how to rely on MFHM for a variety of initiatives, including the delivery of personalized financial guidance, financial education, gamification and activated participation. Each is critical to the future of financial health, as well as to continuing on “People Helping People” path. 


Greg Leslie

Greg Leslie

Jen Damico

Jen D'Amico
CommonWealth Central Credit Union

Why Volume is the Greatest of the Big Data V’s

COMPLETED – Watch On-Demand 

When it comes to big data, credit unions have pursued the three V’s—volume, velocity and variety—with equal effort. The rise of AI is changing this dynamic. In today’s battle for big-data budget, volume is inching slightly ahead of its velocity and variety competitors. 

That’s because AI is ravenous for data—big data. The bigger, the better. 

When credit unions expand the volume of data that fuels their analytics, they will finally be able to deliver the personalized, predictive experiences today’s members expect. 

In this session, CUDX’s Adam Wright will explore what can happen when credit unions feed into and share access to a rich, anonymized and analytically valuable data set. 


Adam Wright

Adam Wright

Building Digital Relationships Through Partnership

COMPLETED – Watch On-Demand

Progressive, consumer-centric credit unions are leveraging fintech partnerships to deepen relationships with modern members. One of the ways cooperatives and fintechs achieve this together is through the delivery of a unified digital member experience. In this session, Michigan State University Federal Credit Union’s Chief Digital Strategy & Innovation Officer, Ben Maxim, will lay out real-world results and data from MSUFCU’s own piloting of various fintechs. Deployed through The Lab at MSUFCU, the credit union’s hub for innovation, each pilot offers lessons to be learned about seamless fintech integration and the digital member experience.


Ben Maxim

Ben Maxim
Michigan State University Federal Credit Union