Case Study

Financial Partners Credit Union

In assets
$ 0 B
0 K

Trellance Aids Credit Union in Developing Robust Reporting

Financial Partners Credit Union turned to Trellance to help them create a more wholistic reporting system. While they already had a data warehouse in place and departments were able to produce reports as needed, they weren’t looking at how the data from different departments affected each other. 

With the help of Trellance’s Professional Services program, Financial Partners developed a 26-page, robust dashboard that automated reporting and allowed for transparency credit union-wide. 

Read the Case Study
Financial Partners Case Study

What's covered in the case study?

Benefits of utilizing offshore talent

Benefits of a “Doorway” report that identifies what channel brought new members to the credit union

How Professional Services can take your credit union to the next stage of data maturity

Don’t wait. There’s a lot of things one can think about and get hung up on but take that leap of faith and go for it.”

Michael Stavrakis Vice President of Finance at Financial Partners Credit Union