California Coast Credit Union Leverages Data to Optimize Marketing Spend and Boost ROI

California Coast Credit Union (Cal Coast) successfully harnessed the power of data to optimize its marketing efforts and reduce costs. By partnering with Trellance, “Cal Coast” was able to implement a data-driven approach that delivered significant benefits for both its members and the industry. By leveraging data-driven insights through Trellance’s dashboards and reporting solutions, “Cal Coast” was able to achieve significant results and significantly reduce marketing spend on campaigns, boost return on investment by 30%, generate higher-quality leads and subsequent number of approved members applications and drive growth overall membership growth for the year.

In Assets

This is certainly my favorite and most data progressive project I have been working on, continuing to get new data incorporated into these types of holistic views will be extremely powerful for Cal Coast.

Kevin Dawson, Digital Marketing Director at Cal Coast
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